Monday, April 25, 2011

The Corpus Dei and Zombies

Body of Christ,
AMEN *chomp*

Once when I was a rugrat, about 6 years old (or younger). My brother and I made fun of this certain part of the mass:

Priest says, "Lift up your heart". Crowd, "We lift them up to you".

Upon hearing that response, my brother and I would act as if we were literally gouging our hearts out with our little hands, with matching *ught* sound effect. We would just giggle after, then we'll quietly finish the mass.

For the toddler me, mass was just like that but now:

"you know, not everybody listens to the priest"
"people are so selfish shoving each other for the communion"
"there was this lady, I let her go before me in the communion queue the a hoard of came after her"
"look, people are piling up for the blessing by holy water, HOLY the dude almost got whacked by that... what do you call that dip stick?"
"some are listening, but they don't understand nor absorb anything that he says"

Those are the things that I say/always say during mass. I am not sacrilegious here but those statements are real observations during mass time. I really wonder why people waste their time for mass, they don't listen anyways. If I was their god, I would smite them for half-heartedly listening; going to church with the sheer thought of obligation and not some genuine longing or pursuit for a higher/cosmic relationship with their creator.


Despite of that zombie like behavior, their impulse for foraging the corpus dei is commendable. I am not being an intellectual snob- I myself question my intellectual capacity, but even if the level of comprehension of some of the attendees are not that at par with the sometimes pedantic priest- or the utter abstractness of some passages from the bible they still have this thing called faith that pushes them to say "Amen" and look forward to go to mass even if they did not understand anything that was said.

Guy sleeping: ZZZzzz *nod* *nod* *the eyes fights for sight and utter consciousness*, wakes up and stands up *AMEN*

"full of faith or fool of faith?"

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